Friday, September 11, 2009

How do I handle the Pain???

But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. Hebrews 2:9

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ knows of our pain, He himself suffered rejection, scorn, pain, loss, disappointment, just as we do… WHY? So He could have compassion and empathize with our every need. How then does He minister to us? Through His Word.

The title of Chapter Two of What Women Wish Their Pastors Knew is entitled,


Denise George takes us on a journey as if guiding us through a hospital ward.  There is Marva the young thrity-five year old women. Smiling on the outside while she struggles with infertility. She and her husband have tried everything medical science can offer, they have searched scripture and yet God seems silent on this matter, she and her husband love the Lord, but she cannot attend services for Mothers Day or Baby Dedication the pain is unbearable.

Pastors, when you preach to Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents, and Families, do you speak to those who God has left childless? Are you uncomfortable because you have 5 healthy children and don’t know what to say?

Or what about Kayla? Last year Kayla’s daughter killed herself, or Susie whose son in law shot her daughter and then turned the gun on himself. In both cases leaving behind single woman past middle age to raise toddlers.  I am sure the funeral was wonderful and the ladies of the church prepared and took meals by for a week after the funeral. But what happens at night. What happens when these women, wrung out by the exhaustion of working a job, and trying to raise young children finally crawl in to bed at night. Who is there for them as they blame themselves, as they cry out? What have they been taught from The Word that they can cling to? Where are the arms and the hands of the body?

And then there is Cindy, the devoted single Mom whose daughter, you know the one who is at every youth group function and regularly sings in the choir tells her Mom she is pregnant?  Statistics sadly prove that there is not a large difference between the numbers of teenage prgnancies within the church and without. Why? What are we teaching the young. Does this young girl know why God created her? Does she know Christ is her saviour? Does she know she needs a saviour?!?

And finally you have Margaret, a thirty five year old married woman who is pregnant and her husband…one of the ushers wants her to have an abortion as he is not ready for another baby! Does this woman know what scripture has to say to her about submission or does she believe that because of Ephesians she must do anything her husband says. All the ladies in her SS class know something is wrong, but well…whatever it is, it is not their business….. a lie from the pit of hell!

Where is the pain relief for these hurting woman? Do they know about the balm of Gilead? Are their fellow church members “one anothering” each other?

[Is there] no balm in Gilead, [Is there] no physician there? Why then is there no recovery For the health of the daughter of my people? Jeremiah 8:22

Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God [is] a refuge for us. Selah Psalm 62:8

Christian woman are hurting, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She has a crowded schedule and is buried in additional demands from all quarters. Woman need their Pastors to look deeper into their lives. They need the Shepherd to come find them when they aren’t there. They need a Pastor that is going to teach husbands how to love their wives as Christ loved the Church! A Pastor will hold them accountable when they are not. They need a strong and committed body that can hold her up as she is falling.

Dear Lord,

You above all know each need small or large of everyone of your children. Though this article addresses women, I know many of the same hurts are afflicting men also. Pray Lord lift up the men you have called to be the shepherds of the flock and lead them in a greater understanding of the needs of their sheep.  Amen


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