Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fearless by Max Lucado

Being Fearless is perhaps the most daunting thing for all of us to do. Being free from fear would free our spirit and mind and help us achieve so much more. However that’s easier said than done. That is what Fearless tries to change and preach. Max Lucado has interpreted teachings of Bible to convey that even Jesus would want us to live a life free of fear. He picks up many examples and sayings from Bible and beautifully drives home the point that being fearless is the way towards life. Max takes examples of our daily lives and tries to dissect the reasons that make us fear. He harps upon the questions that plague our minds and inhibit us all from living life to the fullest.

This is a book that will make sense to a Christ-follower as it talks from many anecdotes from Bible. For someone who is not a follower, Max tries to interpret the meaning of the anecdote and makes it extremely simple for readers to follow his line of reasoning and thought. Max also passes on the message that instead of questioning God we should place our faith in him and not let Fear corrode our confidence in God.

Overall, I found the book to be thought stimulating and a good read. However, I would also like to put in a word for readers that this book demands a serious reading and attempt at interpreting teachings of Christ. It’s not a story and is rather a way of life. As Max says, Imagine your life without fear…


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