Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gerard Spinks' How to be rich, ninja book foreward

From Gerard Spinks‘ book “How To Be Rich, Nicca” and the iMac desk of the CEO, his writings, his musings, his discovery, his Atlanta talent:

This rich nagga story is for naggas across America, London, Africa, and Japan and is an inspirational how to guide to help us naggas get out of the ‘hood mentality and make some real cash. This book is for a neglected part of our society in the United States that no one really seems to care about — young black youth. Politicians act like they do because it’s popular but most people don’t give a mess about naggas layin’ in the cuts across America.

The most press that we get is usually seen on COPS or on Sportscenter on ESPN. Most people have written naggas off. The USA government has a welfare to work program yet there are no jobs to go to work to. And, if there are jobs, black people are the last people to get the job. The United States builds more elaborate and beautiful looking prisons than educational facilities and the inner cities are littered with poor educational facilities that no one wants their kid to go to.

If you don’t believe me, check out the school districts in Richmond, CA, Oakland, CA, the southside of Atlanta, GA, and so on. Do you really believe that kids want to go to school where the teachers just give them passing grades to get rid of a lil nagga? Do you think a kid wants to go to school where the facility is leaking water through the pipes and on the hall floors but no one has a budget to fix this shyt? Does a smart young lil nagga growing up in Richmond, CA have a chance with an environment that is setup for self-destruction, jail, and corruption?


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