Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Born to Run

First off, sorry it’s been a while.  If you’ve been reading for a while, you know my grandmother passed away about a month ago.  Between that and “life,” I’ve struggled to keep up recently.

However, “here I’m is,” as they say.

I just finished reading “Born to Run.”  Christopher McDougall’s excellent book is a combination of a historical treatise on the history of endurance (especially ultra-endurance) running and the Tarahumara Indians, barefoot running overview, and personal experience with running.

As with most books on exercise, the science bits of this book left me very unconvinced.  These scientists say that humans gained bigger brains because we ran.  But wait, they said we gained bigger brains because we ate more meat.  But wait, they said we should eat vegetarian diets if we’re going to be long-distance athletes…

Let’s skip the “science.”

The best part of the book is the narrative McDougall weaves, and the lessons he interjects, seemingly casually, throughout that narrative.

His accounts of the Tarahumara Indians, and other great runners, not only smiling, but laughing, as they ran 100 miles, really resonated with me.  Also, the stories of the great distance runners who were great because of the extreme joy they found in running – not because of macronutrient balance, heart rate workouts, or anything else.

It’s a joyful book, and a testament to finding joy in what you do, and looking for things that bring you joy.  I highly recommend this book to anyone out there who wants to be happier!

[Via http://leegertrained.wordpress.com]

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