Friday, October 2, 2009

[REVIEW] My Soul to Save - Rachel Vincent

Rachel Vincent

My Soul to Save (Soul Screamers, Book 2)

HarlequinTEEN (US: 29th December 2009)

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Usually Kaylee Cavanaugh can tell when someone in the vicinity is about to die, but not this time. A pop star sold her soul, so it’s not there for bean sidhe Kaylee to work with. And her reaper friend’s ex Addison also sold hers, and Addy’s little sister’s damn close to selling hers, too. But to win the souls back, Kaylee has to venture into the Netherworld, and not everyone will emerge unscathed.

It’s impossible to read about Dekker Media without thinking of Disney – especially after viewing South Park’s “The Ring” episode. It’s hardly surprising that a major company is aligned with hellions (in this case, Avarice). But while the premise itself is unremarkable, the real breadwinner here is the Netherworld. Usually I prefer my urban fantasy to be more urban than fantasy, but the Netherworld is amazing. From its grey fog, to its distance and time, and all the things that happen inside, Rachel Vincent’s Netherworld is vastly imaginative and deliciously creepy. The descriptions are evocative, and I won’t soon forget the blades of grass.

Family life isn’t easy in Eastlake. Aiden and Brendon Cavanaugh are single dads, Harmony Hudson is a single mum, and as for Addison Page’s parents…her dad is absent, and her mum’s addicted to prescription pills. These realistic elements bring the characters home for readers, grounding the paranormal in a world that’s easily relatable. Kaylee and Nash’s romance is just plain embarrassing, and the book would be better without it, but thankfully Tad understands the awesomeness of humour.

Rachel Vincent keeps cementing her reputation as an author with fascinating plot twists and stories that you can’t help but glom. Unfortunately, readers will have to wait until June 2010 to read the third Soul Screamers novel, My Soul to Keep. Maybe the writer should take on time travel next…

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