Thursday, July 2, 2009

On the Banks of Plum Creek - Laura Ingalls Wilder

In this book Laura and her family move to Plum Creek. They spend some time living under the river bank before Pa Ingalls builds a proper house. The girls have many adventures including being trusted to be left alone for a day, unfortunately the blizzard hit earlier than expected. The girls took it upon themselves to bring in some wood from the woodpile completely forgetting to stop and end up bringing in the entire pile, enough for two weeks.

I enjoyed this series as a child and am enjoying them again as an adult and a parent. It’s truly amazing to look back at this documented history and see how much freedom children had in those days and to see how much responsibility they were given as opposed to now. If I had left my kids alone for a day when they were 8 or 9 I would have been in serious trouble but back then they were just expected to cope and grow up. Almost everything was made by hand and there was much excitement when Pa Ingalls was able to buy a broom, they were astonished to find how even the bristles were. It is in this book that they first start school. I love getting an idea of how school was run back then, it was so different. They used to have to memorise everything and then repeat it back to the teacher. So much different to the way we learn now with assignments and research.

I’ve always enjoyed the writing, I find it simple without being patronising. I’d say it’d be good for pre-teens or early teens.

I hope this review makes sense. I’ve managed to pick up a virus and I’m being grateful it’s none of the ‘flus that are going around.

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