Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hippo Eats Dwarf! by Alex Boese

Hippo Eats Dwarf! is your handy guide to distinguishing between real and false as you navigate the murky waters of the internet. Each chapter covers a different subject such as romance, food or technology and includes a number of true or false questions at the end to see if you’ve been paying attention. This makes it the ideal book to dip in and out of, and you’ll always be guaranteed to have learnt something new, or found that what you thought was true was actually just a clever invention.

So if you’ve ever wondered if researchers really have genetically engineered fruit trees to grow meat, or if the residents of the Ecuadorian town of Picoaza once chose a foot powder named Pulvapies as their mayor and if it’s really true that the frowny face emoticon has been trademarked thereby making it illegal to use it without permission, then this is the book for you.

Oh, and the people of Picoaza did elect the foot powder, but the other two facts are false. And Alex Boese has plenty more like that in this very entertaining book.

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