Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Review - Dragons Tarot

Several weeks ago I bought myself a new set of Tarot Cards as an early birthday present. I chose the Dragons Tarot. They were the ones I felt a connection to. I loved the artwork on the few that I had seen from this deck.

Here is the front of 3 of the cards.

Here is what the back of the cards looks like.

I am very impressed with these cards. The meanings are not as in dept as the Rider Waite deck, but they are easy to use. Each and every card depicts a story. From that story the meaning is then easy to tell. The meanings are not the same as the Rider Waite Deck.

I have enjoyed using these cards. The meanings are so far very spot on for me. I find it an easier deck to use than the Rider Waite deck (that’s the other deck that I own). I’m very glad that I bought them.

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